Cover Free by Natural Chemistry
  • Cover Free by Natural Chemistry

Cover Free by Natural Chemistry



Cover Free by Natural Chemistry is revolutionary. The biggest problem for energy loss for interior or exterior pools is evaporation.  Water is lost and must be constantly replaced with cold water.  First, it costs a lot in electricity to heat this new water and second, it costs a lot to refill the pool if water metering is in effect.  Conceptually, it creates a protective layer on the surface of the water between the water and the air.  In this way, there is much less contact between the air and the water, and therefore less heat loss and evaporation.  Many establishments have already saved hundreds of dollars. Try it. You will keep on using it!


  • Ideal for indoor or outdoor pools
  • For pools or spas
  • Reduces frequency of water balancing due to addition of unbalanced water
  • Liquid product can be set up with an automatic dosing pump for ease of use


Read here how the city of Thunder Bay has saved lots of money using this technology.



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