Sanitizer that has a low odour and is suitable for indoor and outdoor swimming pools, but is more commonly used for spas as it is heavier and evaporates less.
- Effects on pH: Small declination.
- pH: 4,5.
- Appearance: 2-part liquid system or sticks.
- Pros: Low odour. Effective at high temperatures. Easy storage. Safe.
- Cons: Cannot be used as shock treatment. Request more ppm to be as active as chlorine
- Use: Direct or dispenser.
- Cost: High (3 times more expensive than chlorine).
White crystalline product which dissolves in water. Only suitable to destroy bacteria. It must be combined with another sanitizer (such as chlorine) to effectively treat water.
- Effects on pH: None.
- pH:Neutral.
- Appearance: Powder.
- Pros: Does not discolour hair or bathing suits and does not irritate the eyes). Effectively kills bacteria.
- Cons: Only kill bacteria, must be combined with another sanitizer.
- Use: Direct or dispenser.
- Cost: Medium to high.
Oxidizing gas is highly effective and inexpensive. It kills bacteria and oxidizes chloramines, soaps, body fat and particles of bathers without altering the water pH level. It is generated by an ultraviolet lamp.
- Effects on pH: None.
- pH: Neutral.
- Appearance: Gas.
- Pros: Very good oxidant. Low production cost. Safe. Leaves no residues.
- Cons: It must be combined with a halogen (chlorine or bromine) to destroy algae in water.
- Use: Tube with UV lamp.
- Cost: Initial high, then low.
Oxidant without chlorine
These products can oxidize organic particulate matter, in addition to reducing the formation of combined chlorine or chloramines.
- Effects on pH: None.
- pH: Neutral.
- Appearance: Powder.
- Pros: Very good oxidant. Excellent to clarify cloudy water without raising the level of free chlorine.
- Cons: Does not sanitize.
- Use: Direct.
- Cost: Medium.
Silver or copper
Silver nitrate has bactericidal properties. It is used to treat water by electrolysis (passing an electric current through silver electrodes).
- Effects on pH: None.
- pH: Neutral.
- Appearance: Electricity.
- Pros: Effectively kills bacteria.
- Cons: Silver is expensive and may leave black deposits on walls.
- Use: By electrolysis.
- Cost: High.
Electrolyte (Salt system)
This device allows the generation of chlorine which undergoes electrolysis due to an electric current exerted on two metal plates. This method is increasingly popular and is a good alternative.
- Effects on pH: Regular using caustic weld.
- pH: Neutral.
- Appearance: Gas.
- Pros: The water is softer thanks to salt. Chlorine is not irritating. Continuous and renewable generation. Treats water completely.
- Cons: High initial cost.
- Use: Salt chlorine generator.
- Cost: Initial high, then low.
Most commonly use on the market and is available in various forms. Ideal for indoor and outdoor swimming pools.
hlorine - gas Sodium Hypochlorite Calcium Hypochlorite Lithium Hypochlorite Di-chlor Tri-chlor % of available chlorine 100% 12% to 15% 65% to 70% 35% 56% or 62% 90% Effects on pH Decrease Increase Increase Increase Neutral Decrease pH <1 13 11,8 10,7 6,9 2,9 Loss(due to sun exposure) Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Appearance Gas Liquid Granules and Tablets Powder Granules Granules and Tablets Pros Concentration of available chlorine is 100%. Very cheap. Easy to get. Safe. Excellent for super-chlorination Chlorinator with reservoir Direct or dispenser Direct or dilute Cons Extremely toxic. Strict safety rules. Complex Equipment. Very Low pH. Hard to store. Really High pH. Can cause turbidity. Dangerous if mixed. High pH. Low Low Medium Use Chlorateur avec réservoir Directe ou pompe doseuse Directe ou diluée Directe Directe Doseur Cost Low Low Medium High Medium Medium
Effects of pH on the active Chlorine form
pH 1 2 3 4 5 6 6,5 7 7,2 7,6 8 8,5 9 10 % of active Chlorine 20 72 90 96 100 95 90 73 66 45 21 10 5 0