
What to do after closing the pool

05 March 2015

Pools and Spas POSEIDON, to know everything about pool closing!

What to do after closing the pool ?

  • Notify us immediately if your pool is empty or almost during the whole winter or if your canvas is torn
  • Don't be afraid that your pool is too full. N’ayez pas peur que votre piscine soit trop pleine. We have taken all precautions to ensure that your pool has no problem. The surplus water will go into the ground water around the pool. The inking of the web allows you to drain the excess water
  • Store the accessories that have been left outside or inside an easily accessible place at the beginning of next season
  • Close from the house (main panel) the supply of electricity of the pool equipment (pump, heater, salt system)
  • Do not turn on the bulb of the pool during winter, it could explode
  • Store inside the house (hot or warm room) all the chemicals, pump and salt system if possible
  • Clean your pool equipment before storing (scale jets, walking, light)
  • Secure the entrance to the pool making sure nobody has access
  • Observe your pool during the winter and report any unusual phenomenon to an expert at Pools and Spas POSEIDON (eg a plug detaches, a bulge inside the canvas, canvas problem, a problem of walls, loss of water substantial ...)
  • If applicable, check the stability and appearance of the canvas or mesh sheet during the winter. Replace or adjust as necessary after a rain, wind or other
  • Never break the ice on the pool
  • Do not walk on the pool during the winter
  • At spring, call in Pools and Spas POSEIDON to open your pool

For more tips, keep consulter our website www.psposeidon.com

Do not hesitate to communicate with us if you have a problem or questions.

Pleasure to see you next summer

Good winter

Pools and Spas POSEIDON

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